19 Tips for How to Clean Sheer Curtains Easily at Home

Are you ready to spruce up your sheer curtains? I’m sharing the best 19 tips for how to clean sheer curtains easily at home. Delicate fabrics can be tricky! Plus I have tips for what to do with your curtains on a regular basis. 

One of the things that I absolutely love about our home is the light that comes in from our large windows We have expansive windows with transoms on the top of most of them. The other thing I love is having clean sheer curtains. Today’s tips for how to clean sheer curtains will have you loving your windows no matter what the size.

white sheer curtains in washing machne
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Do you love this too? Being able to walk up to a window and being able to open the window easily and see the sun shining through sheer drapes is a must in our home. A soft summer breeze and crisp white sheers blowing in the wind is the quintessential sign that summer is here.

Having your windows and window sheers clean is definitely a boost for you for the beginning of summer.

In each home I’ve decorated I have had at least one room with delicate lace curtains. Oftentimes, every window has been adorned with pretty white sheers. Years ago my mother went to France and returned with the loveliest pieces of French lace. Several of them are panels with intricate patterns and designs. While they don’t fit the windows in my current home, I plan to come up with an idea to utilize them in a beautiful way.

white sheer curtains handing in bedroom

The traditional methods of cleaning drapery

Most often the traditional method of cleaning sheers or curtains is with a professional curtain cleaner.  We all know that dry cleaning anything these days can be quite costly. Many times using a dry cleaner may be your only option. With certain fabrics, such as velvet curtains or silk curtains, machine washing at home may not be possible.

The first thing to do is to check the care label options for the best cleaning process for your window treatments.

I’ve been known to wash fabrics that have a label to dry clean only. A few dresses came out beautifully with a little extra care rather than having them dry-cleaned. I would definitely recommend using your discretion when it comes to a particular or special fabric.

upholstery brush vacuuming sheer curtains

How do you clean dirty sheer curtains?

Step-by-Step Simple Guide

Follow these easy 19 easy steps:  How to clean sheer curtains easily at home

  • Step 1: Prior to removing your curtains from the curtain rod use an upholstery attachment on your vacuum to remove any excess dust
  • Step 2: Make sure to vacuum over the top of your curtains where the most amount of dust will have collected
  • Step 3: Once the sheers have been vacuumed carefully take them down and remove any hooks
  • Step 4: Next is to spot clean any area that may have a stain or mark with soapy water
  • Step 5: Before placing in the washer, if possible, shake the sheers outside to remove further dust. 
  • Step 6: Place in a washing machine or soak for 10 to 15 minutes with a cup of Epsom salt in your kitchen sink
  • Step 7: Using a gentle detergent, on the delicate cycle begin the wash cycle with cold water
  • Step 8: Once the wash has completed the cycle remove the sheers from the washer and reshape when still damp
  • Step 9: Hang your panels to dry either on a shower curtain or directly on the curtain rod
  • Step 10: Clips may be used to hang the panels together for creasing purposes (iron on low heat if necessary)

While curtains are drying

  • Step 11: While your curtains are drying, take the time to clean the curtain rods and brackets to ensure they are free from dust and dirt.
  • Step 12: Inspect the curtain rings or hooks for any grime or buildup and clean them thoroughly with a damp cloth.
  • Step 13: If your curtains have intricate details or embroidery, gently brush or comb them to maintain their appearance.
  • Step 14: Once your curtains are completely dry, hang them back on the curtain rod, reattaching any hooks or rings.
  • Step 15: Check the length of your curtains after rehanging and adjust them to the desired height, ensuring they touch the floor evenly.
  • Step 16: Take a step back and admire your freshly cleaned and beautifully hung curtains, making any final adjustments for a polished look.
  • Step 17: Consider adding a fabric freshener or light-scented spray to keep your curtains smelling pleasant and feeling refreshed.
spot cleaning white sheer curtains

While waiting for your curtains to wash, be sure to do a thorough cleaning of your window sill.

Next, wipe thoroughly the windows themselves, and the woodwork edges where dust, pollen, and dirt tend to collect. This is my favorite indoor window cleaner.

When cleaning my outdoor windows, this is the only product I use! I absolutely love how easy it is to use for streak-free cleaning.

To keep up on daily cleaning, click here for my tips.

plastic clips on white sheer curtains to crease the folds

How do you clean dirty sheer curtains without taking them down?

While it is recommended to remove and wash the curtains, what if you cannot do that? Cleaning dirty sheer curtains is possible without taking them down.  

Removing pet hair with a lint roller or with a vacuum cleaner is a good option for cleaning this sheer fabric. Use the soft brush attachment on your vacuum for the best results.

For hand washing, while they hang in place using a damp cloth or small bucket of water will remove any stains or spots you may have.

Another good idea is to do a deep steam cleaning using a steam cleaner.

Can you wash and dry sheer curtains?

Washing and drying your window treatments is very easy to do. Prior to washing any fabric spot test the curtain fabrics before you before. Also, it is important to check the care instructions. Different fabrics will need different types of care. 

Using the gentle cycle, cool water and mild detergent are highly recommended.

sheer curtains on window with flowers in front of window

How do you get wrinkles out of sheer curtains after washing?

The easiest way to remove wrinkles from freshly washed curtains is to remove the curtains immediately from the washing machine and air dry them. I love being able to use a laundry line to dry my sheers. If that is not possible to hang them in the fresh air, once the excess water is removed, hang them directly onto your curtain rod and let them dry in place.

Using a fabric steamer is another excellent option. For any additional wrinkles on the low setting carefully iron the sheers.

Shop and Source

My favorite cleaning supplies for windows, furniture, and draperies are below.

view into bedroom with chair, rug and end of bed showing
view of bedroom with crisp white sheer curtains


How often should you clean your sheer curtains?

I recommend cleaning your sheers once every three months or 4 times a year. Basically, each season change is a good time to freshen up your curtains.

Does vinegar clean curtains?

Using vinegar in a 1 to 4 ratio (1 part vinegar to 4 parts water) helps with removing any dirt or grime, so yes, vinegar helps clean curtains.

How to whiten sheer curtains?

Using a mixture of 1/2 cup of baking soda, with one cup of vinegar in your mild detergent will help whiten your sheers.

What can I do on a regular basis to keep my curtains clean?

  • Shake them out often
  • Vacuum regularly
  • Deodorize with a freshener
  • Open the windows and let them breathe fresh air
  • Steam clean to keep them crisp
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You’ve just mastered being able to keep your sheer curtains clean. Whenever I take my drapes down and freshly launder my sheers, I feel such a sense of accomplishment. Mostly because when I return them to the window, they look, feel, and smell so fresh.

With this budget-friendly way on How to clean sheer curtains easily at home not only will your windows look fantastic, but you’ll also have saved some money.

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  1. So many great tips, Susan! (And a good reminder as well to not forget this important task.) I love the photo of the bedroom from the entrance. So pretty!

    1. thank you so much Missy! I love clean windows and curtains! haha

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