Arranging a White Hydrangea Bouquet

It’s the perfect time to arrange a bouquet from your garden. Learn how to create a beautiful white hydrangea bouquet with these simple tips.

If you’re looking for a classic, understated floral arrangement, consider using white hydrangeas. Their simple elegance will never go out of style, and they can be paired with almost any other type of flower. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to create a beautiful white hydrangea bouquet.



White hydrangea bush

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Limelight Hydrangea Bushes

We’re lucky enough to have two large limelight hydrangea bushes. Each year at about this time, I look forward to bringing in clippings to arrange a beautiful hydrangea bouquet. 

A major difference between a limelight prime hydrangea vs limelight hydrangea bush is this:

Limelight Prime is a smaller plant (4-6’ tall compared to 6-8’), and it blooms nearly a month earlier than ‘Limelight’ does. Secondly, it offers better foliage coverage for a fuller, more lush look, plus it has significantly sturdier stems, so it holds the flowers high and strong all summer. Finally, when the green flowers start to turn color in late summer/early autumn, the pink red tones are far richer and more saturated, giving the plant an almost neon look.

Blooms on a limelight hydrangea can be huge in size. Mostly staying white until they are brought inside, then dried, which is when they turn the prettiest shade of pink and cranberry. Definately, they are one of my favorite bushes in our yard!

lady sitting on porch with hydrangeas in hand

Simple tips for Creating a White Hydrangea Bouquet

Including white hydrangeas in your bouquet is a simple way to add an elegant touch. Here are four steps to follow for arranging a beautiful bouquet with white hydrangeas.



1. Cut the stems of the flowers on an angle so that they can absorb more water.

clippers cutting hydrangeas

When cutting your stems, it’s a good idea to cut from the bottom of the plant rather than from the top. Doing so allows your bush to stay looking lovely thru to late fall, which is when we cut the bush back significantly.



hands taking leaves off of hyrandea stems

Up next, I remove all of the leaves from the stem.

hydrangeas with no leaves on stem

Time to Arrange your Hydrangea Bouquet

2. Fill a vase with fresh water and submerge the stems of the flowers in it.
3. Let them soak for 30 minutes or until the end of their stems are green before you trim them.
4. Arrange them in your desired formation and enjoy!



Keep adding stems for a full bouquet. Typically, I add at least five to seven stems.

Top Tip!!! Use as many stems as makes you happy! Go wild and pick a bunch! 🙂

Hydrangeas Dry Beautifully

Lastly, one of the best things about hydrangea bouquets is that they dry so beautifully. 

Bouquets of hydrangeas will last for years and you can re-style them in many different ways.

Any ideas what I’ll be styling next? My mantel will be next! Stay tuned as I’m planning on covering the shelf with them. 

hydrangea bouquet in silver pitcher

Coffee tables or end tables in the living room, are a great place to use different vessels for your hydrangea bouquet. Here I opted to fill my silver pitcher with several stems! 

Shop my favorite vessels

How I used my hydrangeas last season

bunch of hyrdrangea in sink

Last year I created an easy hydrangea wreath which you may enjoy reading here. 

Hydrangea Wreath

Subsequently, when it comes to flower bouquets, you can never have too many in your home. Just this week, I’ve added two bouquets. One to my living room and this one in the kitchen. 

Pin It to Remember It:

hydrangea bouquet in pitcher

Have you started thinking about changing your home over to fall decor? One of the last things I am going to change out will be this blue vintage set.  I love it so much! Plus, I just acquired it so I’m not in any hurry to put it away! 

So, there you have it – my top tips for arranging a white hydrangea bouquet. Furthermore, if you give it a try, I’d love to see your creations! And if you don’t have any hydrangeas in your garden, be sure to check out the options available at your local florist or grocery store. Grocery stores often have beautiful arrangements using seasonal flowers that are easy and affordable to recreate at home. What’s your favorite flower to arrange from your garden?

Leave a comment below! Hearing from you is always the best……..

XO Susan

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  1. Good to be back on your posts; love hydrangeas, however bit more
    tricky in hot dry southern california.

    1. Great to have you here Carol! Yes the southern California heat is a tricky one! Here in the northeast we will be thinking of you in February haha

  2. Your hydrangeas are epic! I love seeing your beautiful flowers and reading your helpful tips! Thank you!

  3. Wowza, these are amazing hydrangeas, Susan. I have never grown this type, however, you have convinced me. Thank you for all of the great tips.

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