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lady with a cowboy hat on

Hi there!


Hi, I’m Susan, creator of Hen and Horse Design. I love home decorating, entertaining, cooking quick, yet flavorful meals, arranging flowers, and organizing pretty much anything you can think of! I believe in using all of the ‘good’ things in your home and creating your home to be your haven! Why wait for the company to come over to live well? 

My home motto is to ‘treat yourself like You are the company’!

I hope to inspire you to create your own cozy home, where you and your family feel like “you are the company!”

I believe that when we treat ourselves well, we go out into the world and treat others with that same kindness.

A beautiful home doesn’t have to cost a fortune to look fabulous.  I’ll show you how! Read more here.


Where you can find me…

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5 Step Guide to Steeping the Best Cup of Tea

Get Ready for the perfect cup of tea…

My free guide breaks down tea brewing into simple steps so that, no matter what type of tea you are making, you’ve got all the tips and tricks for creating a flavorful, enjoyable experience each and every time.

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